Sunday, 26 October 2014 article details challenges in Gary's quest to return home

A recent article on details the challenges facing Gary and his family as he works towards returning home to Muskoka. He is currently at West Park Healthcare Centre in Toronto and is halfway through the Transition to Home program. He's due to be released in time to make it home for Christmas, but a lack of available nursing care in Muskoka may make that an impossibility.

Gary's partner Gayle and his sisters have been trained at West Park and will be Gary's primary caregivers once he returns home, but they also need support from nurses and PSWs. Click the link below to read the article by our friends at Metroland Media:

Froude's dream for the holiday may not bring him home

Saturday, 18 October 2014

More Progress!

If you've been watching the blog you will have noticed an absence of new information for a while. That's because Louis completed his contract at Arts in Muskoka and is now pursuing other avenues. We thank him so much for managing the blog and for being such a great addition to the team. He was truly a blessing. All the best in your new adventure Louis. We miss you.

When you last heard from us Gary had just received his wheelchair. That seems like a hundred years ago now and he's become quite the expert at driving his chair using only his right thumb. We were a little concerned about his altercation with a door casing but we're sure that by the time he gets home he'll be doing wheelies. 

Speaking of driving, he actually drove himself down to the hairdressers and is shown here with the hairdresser and his Occupational Therapist Emelda. Sporting his new haircut and shave, he later took his first trip to the cafeteria for a cappuccino.

It's not unusual to see Gary, Gayle and Rafi outside on the grounds of Westpark taking in the great outdoors. They recently attended the Westpark Fall Fair and Gary was in his element - surrounded by people to talk with. This chair has given Gary some hard-earned independence and the ability to see something more than three walls and a curtain.

Gary's days at Westpark are busy. He gets out of bed and into the chair, usually has some sort of therapy, goes off the respirator (currently twice a day for two hours each time), visits with family and friends and talks with a myriad of folks who are working hard to get him prepared to go home. In addition to the chair Gary has been working hard at strengthening his body. Part of that effort is spending time on the tilt table which, although he's strapped in, allows him to put weight on his feet again. He loves doing this and it is strengthening his body.

He's also adding some communications tools to his agenda so this will allow him further independence.

Our thanks go out to all the folk who are rooting for Gary. Your questions about his health, your good wishes, your cards, your donations and your prayers are most appreciated by Gary, Gayle and family. You have been such a comfort.

Thanks also to Jen Morgan Anderson who is now managing the blog.

- Judy

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

45th Parallel Painters Presents New Works and Fundraiser for Gary Froude

The 45th Parallel Painters will be back at the Muskoka Place Gallery for an excellent show of new works! The exhibition will be on view from Friday, October 10, 2014 - Thursday, November 6, 2014. The gallery hours are Monday - Friday, 10 am - 5pm and Saturdays, 11 am - 3pm.

Join us for a reception on Sunday, October 19, 2014 from 2pm - 4pm at Muskoka Place Gallery1182 Foreman Rd., Port Carling, ON. Meet the artists, enjoy the art, indulge in some delights and have a chance to win a special prize! A portion of the sales from the exhibition will be donated to the Bring Gary Home fund, a fund dedicated to the support of Gary Froude.

The artists - Krysia Bower, Anne Clement, Betty Dawson, Gayle Dempsey, Donna McLaren, Marie St. Germain, Susan Ware and Margaret Richards - have been creating art together for several years. Five years ago they adopted their name from the geography in which they live and paint. They have a strong sense of the beauty of the natural world and enjoy sharing their works with others. 45 Parallel Painters have shown their works in galleries across Muskoka and Kitchener/Waterloo.

To see more of their story and view their works, check out

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Victoria Banks Concert in Port Carling

Victoria Banks, Port Carling’s hometown country star, is playing a concert at the Port Carling Community Centre this Friday, October 10th at 8:00 pm. Tickets are $25 and are available at The Apothocary Shop and Aunt Doodie’s Antiques in Port Carling, online here, at the door, or call Linda Dodington at 705-765-3937. She will be providing an opportunity for people to donate to the Bring Gary Home fund. 

Gary Froude is half way through the West Park Transition to Home Ventilation Program in Toronto and is scheduled to be home for Christmas!