Monday 7 April 2014

Basking in the sunlight with a special birthday celebration

Basking in the sun and celebrating a very important birthday, this past week was full of big milestones for Gary.

On Friday, Gary celebrated Gayle's birthday down in Toronto, joined by family and some new friends at the Toronto East General Hospital. The warmth inside the hospital soon spread outdoors, with hospital staff taking Gary outside to bask in the warm spring weather. It was the first time Gary has been able to take in fresh air since he was moved from Barrie in December.

Meanwhile, staff at the hospital are continuing to work hard at getting Gary off the ventilator for good. Gary is nearing the end of the respiratory therapy program there, though where he goes next has yet to be definitively decided. Since arriving in Toronto, he's made great progress in recovery, and has worked up enough strength to breathe without a ventilator for beyond five hours.

Back in Muskoka, hardly a day goes by when staff at Muskoka Chautauqua don't get a call from Gary's friends and associates, all seeking to extend their kind wishes for his recovery. Despite being gone for almost a year, his hand and presence continues to be felt up north. Gary continues to review important documents for Muskoka Chautauqua, and continues to provide key guidance for staff and standing committees with Gayle at his bedside.

Gary also got a pleasant visit from Linda Albright, executive director of the Arts Network for Children and Youth. Gayle, Linda and Gary got a bit of work done during the visit - holding a conference call with the ArtsSmarts - an organization devoted to bringing arts education into classrooms. 

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