Gary's all smiles this week as he marks the halfway point in his 12-week program at Toronto East General. As we near the one-year mark since Gary first fell ill, it's worth noting some of the remarkable progress he has made in his ongoing recovery.
He's regained the ability to consume small amounts of food and drink, has been able to pedal an exercise bike, given a video shout-out to his friends, and is spending more and more time each day off the ventilator. Each day, he grows stronger and stronger and moves one step closer towards coming home.
All the while, he's still been providing Muskoka Chautauqua staff with key direction and guidance, reviewing Chautauqua matters with Gayle at his side, and is constantly thinking of what's next for Chautauqua.
Gary you look great. Were getting closer to that beer and Browns game!!
Jesse RT.
Gary you look great!! Were getting closer to that beer and Browns game.
Jesse RT.
Gary dude!! You need a shave!!! Duck dynasty here you come!! We'll send Kay down the highway for you!! You look amazing!! Kepp up the good work!!! Your team at RVH ICU (aka Becca and Cherylee)
Gary we all your smiling face and amazing determination! Keep up the good work! Cheryl (ICU) and family!
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